Tuesday 22 September 2009

Garr Bear and Lizzie

Garrett and his friend Elizabeth love to play with Jessica's plastic dress-up shoes. They even fight over the "Rose" shoes. Those are the pink Sleeping Beauty shoes. Lizzie loves sleeping beauty and even calls her by name, Rose.

Garrett will love this picture when he's 14, won't he? Nice drool spot down the front of his shirt.

Garrett is enjoying Jessica's electric guitar at "Sissy's" 6th birthday party. Our friend, Alex, is also diggin' the guitar.

Cool dude - Garrett is enjoying some daddy time (sporting Daddy's shades) at Jessica's birthday dinner at the Navy Club.

Garr Bear hanging with Mommy at the Dragon Hill Oktoberfest. We've had a busy September with lots of social gatherings and Garrett is always a trooper and such a sweet boy about being carried from one event to the next. Now when people see him running around out of his stoller they ask, "Is this the same baby as last year who was always in the stroller?" Poor guy, he does spend a lot of time either in his stoller or the backpack. Since we live on the Army Post we walk everywhere. Even last night we walked to Cub Scouts and Carson asked, "Mom, why do we have to walk everywhere? Can't we take the car? Nope, we're getting into shape while also saving the environment!" is my reply. This video is Garrett and Lizzie in action with their dress-up shoes.

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