Thursday 30 April 2009

T... Square and the Forbidden City

The Gate of Heavenly Peace with Mao's very large photo - this gate takes you from Tiananmen's Square into the Forbidden City.

Chinese Guard stands at attention. Locke family photo in front of Mao Gate before crossing the street into the Forbidden City
Mary Kate perched on Brad's shoulders for her tour of Tiananmen Square.
Inside the Forbidden City

These large bronze vats were used to store water for fire extinguishing.

The number of mythical animals on a rooftop tells your family's worth and importance. The more animals, the more important your family was.

Carson ready to extinguish any Imperial fires.

Are we in China yet?

No, but we found a WAY fun playroom at the Incheon International Airport in Seoul!

The kids (Carson, Jessica, Mary Kate and Elizabeth) still enjoying the playroom. Where's Garrett? Probably trying on someone's shoes, climbing the outside of the ball pit or getting into the toilet.
Now we're in China. Here's our hotel. We loved the Doubletree by Hilton in Beijing. It was a little far from shopping (not great for the ladies, but okay with Brad and Joe), but was a beautiful, classy place to stay. The breakfast was an International feast. We loved the black bean curry dish!
Yum, Doubletree cookies! Yes, even in China, the Doubletree has hot chocolate chip cookies!

Bikes in Beijing, #1 mode of transport

City scape of Beijing

Driving by a unique temple in downtown Beijing

Our 1st Chinese meal

Is Beijing ready for the Locke and Endres families?

Saturday 4 April 2009

1st Hair Cut

Garrett had his 1st hair cut on Friday. We went to the barbershop just down from our house. A very sweet Korean lady had the privilege of cutting his baby hair. This picture looks like he's saying, "Uh, what are you going to do with those scissors?" He was such a perfect boy. The only tears came when we tried to take away his box of raisins. He's pretty attached to his snacks.
The last of his baby curls, also known as baby fuzz going bye-bye, no more mullet.

"I just want to eat my raisins, but this white thing is in my way." He couldn't figure out how to eat his raisins while his hands were under the cape. I had to help him, but of course, at 15 months of age you don't NEED help from Mommy.

Can you see the hair stuck to the drool on his chin? The beautician kept taking a cloth and wiping his nose and chin, because the hair kept sticking to him.

Bending sideways...

Bending forward...
He wasn't even scared of the clippers, but I had to remind her that this was his FIRST hair cut and I didn't want it too short.

Look at our precious 15 month old boy! "Now I can eat my raisins!"